Heart Failure, Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Hypertension CME Symposium – San Diego, California

Heart Failure, Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Hypertension CME Symposium – San Diego, California

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Significant advances in the diagnosis and management of heart failure and pulmonary hypertension continue to emerge, compelling the practice of cardiology to constantly evolve. These advances must be consistently implemented into clinical practice to guarantee the best care for patients affected by these conditions. The Clinical Advances in Heart Failure, Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Hypertension Symposium is designed to assist clinicians in correctly diagnosing, treating, and managing patients with heart failure and related conditions. In addition, the symposium will outline optimal strategies for managing cardiogenic shock as well as new and emerging techniques for diagnosing and treating various cardiomyopathies. The symposium is dedicated to providing insight and practical tips with regard to integrating scientific evidence into clinical practice. The goal of the conference is for participants to return to their facilities equipped with the latest evidence base and strategies to improve patient outcomes.

Educational Objectives
After attending this live activity, participants should be able to:
– Incorporate current and emerging clinical evidence in the assessment, treatment, and management of patients with challenging cardiovascular disease.
– Identify guideline-recommended treatment algorithms for heart failure.
– Compare pharmacological and device therapies for cardiogenic shock.
– Identify racial and gender disparities in cardiac device selection.
– Evaluate current and emerging treatment options for cardiac amyloidosis.
– Describe clinical factors and necessary tests to establish a diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension (PH).
– Recognize the difference between PAH and PH associated with HFpEF.
– Assess treatment strategies for patients with PH.
– Employ new interdisciplinary care team strategies to enhance the prevention, diagnosis, and management of various types of heart disease.

Time: 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Physicians (MD, DO, MBBS): USD 450.00,
RN, NP, PA, Other: USD 325.00,
Students, Residents, Fellows: USD 150.00

Speakers: J. Thomas Heywood, MD, FACC – Scripps Clinic, Rola Khedraki, MD, FACC – Scripps Clinic, Rajeev Mohan, MD – Scripps Clinic, Marat Fudim, MD, MHS, FACC – Duke University, Mazen Hanna, MD – Cleveland Clinic, Gregg Fonarow, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHFSA – UCLA, Wael Jaber, MD, FACC, FESC – Cleveland Clinic, Jeffrey Testani, MD, MTS – Yale, Janet Wei, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHFSA – Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Raymond Yau, MD, FSCAI – New Mexico Heart Institute, Eric Yang, MD, FACC – UCLA

Additional Details

Event Email - [email protected]

To register for this event please visit the following URL: http://go.evvnt.com/2933017-0?pid=11140 →


Date And Time

2025-04-25 to

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